Privacy Policy
The Spotsylvania County Republican Committee (SCRC) takes your electronic privacy seriously. We want you to know what information is collected through this site, and how it’s used and protected.
Name and address information. Several pages and forms on this site request personal identification information, such as name, email, and postal address. If you provide that information, SCRC may add your name and address to our electronic and print mailing lists, and we may send information to you from time to time. You may ask to be removed from our lists at any time, and we will promptly honor your request.
Data protection. SCRC maintains several databases and record systems, including electronic and print mailing lists, membership lists, volunteer lists, voter lists, and financial records. Those records are accessed and used only by SCRC officials (and our designees), and only for SCRC purposes. We may share information with other Republican organizations and campaigns, but we do not otherwise sell or share the data with outside parties. Our financial contributions and expenditures are reported to federal and state election agencies, as required by campaign finance laws.
Web protection. Several pages on this site include contact information for SCRC officers and for events listed on our web calendar. Private information (such as unlisted phone numbers and personal email addresses) is provided only with the individual’s consent.
Financial transactions. Some pages on this site allow you to make online payments to SCRC. The payment service is provided by Piryx which forwards the funds to SCRC, along with your name, email, and postal address. Piryx does not provide any information to us concerning the sender’s credit/debit card number or checking account number. (See also Piryx’s privacy notice at ).